Quel Amour by Annick Goutal

Quel Amour was created by Annick Goutal’s daughter, Camille, as both homage to her mother, and a valentine to her fiancé. This is one of my favorite Goutal creations, a beautiful, effervescent blend of floral (wild rose, peony, and geranium) and fruity (cranberry, red-currant, pomegranate, cherry, and wine peaches) notes. I am not a “pink” kind of a girl and shy away from fragrances that evoke that color, and Quel Amour is one of the very few pink scents that I love and wear. But then this is not a girly twirly pink a la Elle Woods, Quel Amour is a tender pink, the hue of the peonies, delicate, romantic and innocent.
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